Hello Teams and Volunteers,
Welcome to Pennsylvania FIRST Robotics sixth email blast of the 2024-2025 Season! The new overall theme for all programs is FIRST DIVE presented by Qualcomm. The variation on that theme for FTC is INTO THE DEEP, once again proudly presented by RTX and launching September 7, 2024. Previous emails can be found on our website in the COMMUNICATION Archives.
As always,
Kickoff Time Change and Registrations:
This is a quick notification that we are changing the Pennsylvania FTC Season Overview of our kickoff presentation to start at 11:00 am vs the previously published 11:15 am as we have more exciting news and content to cover than originally anticipated.
Whether you join one of the 5 “live” events or through the Web Conferencing app (GoTo Meeting) the Overview start time will be the same. Please continue to reference the Team Check in time for the venue you have chosen however.
It is not too late to register for one of the live, in-person events. There is no registration necessary to join the Web Conference.
Please go to the following link for more information and the appropriate links.
As a reminder, Teams do not need to be fully registered with FIRST HQ to attend kickoff events, but please ID your current team number and/or name on the forms.
We detailed the kickoff locations and agendas in our last email blast, but please visit our website for the comprehensive list which includes locations and agendas
Kickoff Registration:
Forthcoming Grant Applications:
Some of you have asked: Applications for the two PA FIRST Robotics administered Grants announced and detailed in our Email Blast #4 dated Aug 12, 2024 will open next week, following this weekend’s kickoff. The grant opportunities are provided by the Arconic Foundation and Google.org. There will be an email sent to teams on this subject once the applications are established. Please reference the Email Blast for more information:
That’s it for now. Hope to meet you all on Saturday!
Tom Zawislak and the FTC PA Team
Pennsylvania FIRST® Robotics
FIRST Tech Challenge® Program Delivery Partner
phone: (302) 383-9925
email: ftc@pennfirst.org
Website: www.FTCPenn.org