FTC PA 2024-25 Season Blast #11 – Processing Qualifier Registrations – Update

Good afternoon, Teams,

We hope all is going well with you in your planning, strategizing and building of robots and student skills. We know you are all top-notch mentors and coaches so best of luck and progress.

I want to thank you all for your prompt event registrations but also apologize for the fact that we are still processing them and making assignments as well as updating our invoice records for this season.

As many of you know, Pennsylvania FIRST Robotics is sponsored and supported by Google.org. This coming weekend, we are co-hosting a Girls in STEM Workshop for middle school aged girls (6th – 8th) who otherwise have limited or no access to STEM programs in their communities or schools, specifically in the Pittsburgh region. Google Pittsburgh are our site and volunteer partner in this very worthwhile endeavor. We are proud to have this opportunity to reach out and touch these communities, introducing them to STEM and robotics expanding the impact of FIRST programs.

In this communication we simply wanted to let all the teams know that we are processing Qualifiers requests and have a goal of being up to date by next Tuesday, Oct 22nd. The requests are securely date and time stamped and we will continue to process each teams’ requests from the earliest to latest date.

The Workshops and Scrimmages are fully processed so you can see your status on the Event website. Note that scrimmages are either full or nearly full. We are delighted by these requests, the most interest ever, so we are working to accommodate everyone as best we can.

For those of you who have submitted Grant applications, we have sent MOUs for your acknowledgment and signature. We will process them later next week as well.

See Events page for details:


Event Registration:


The next email blast will be a Call for Volunteers for our events. Please do consider a volunteer role in advance of this communication, but note that we are currently accepting volunteers, as processed through the FIRST website registration system.

Thank you for your attention and patience,


Tom Zawislak and the FTC PA Team

Pennsylvania FIRST® Robotics
FIRST Tech Challenge® Program Delivery Partner
phone: (302) 383-9925
email: ftc@pennfirst.org
Website: www.FTCPenn.org