Hello Teams,
We hope you all have had a blast this season with the Remote Events that we have planned and you all have executed so wonderfully with high energy, a little bit of stress, but mostly with incredible success. Now that you all have completed your respective League Meets, have qualified for and confirmed your desire to move on to the LEAGUE TOURNAMENTS, we turn our attention to the next phase of planning to keep our teams excited and engaged.
As you are fully aware our Central League Tournament starts next week followed by the Eastern and then Western the next two weeks respectively. While we will have our usual Opening Ceremonies and Info session next Tuesday night, we wanted to share with you all that the Judge Schedules have now been posted for your advance planning. They can be accessed on the FIRST Tech Challenge Remote Scoring Cloud site and you should all have access now. The schedules are for both the morning PRESENTATION Interview and the afternoon FOLLOW UP sessions. Please do review these ASAP and let us know of any issues accessing your times so that we have time to address potential problems well in advance of your session.
As a reminder, the documentation that will be necessary for Judge review must be uploaded by 7:00AM on the Saturday of your Tournament and Interviews so you do have time to continue to work on and improve you Engineering Portfolios and Control Awards, but please be sure to upload these on time and preferably the Friday night before.
Last Wednesday evening we held REMOTE JUDGING SESSION #3 – “Remote Judging via the Remote Scoring System” This is a technical session on the logistics and scheduling and how the process will work within the Scoring System. If you missed this meeting please find attached ppt training for guidance. We also record the session and it will be posted on our EVENTS page shortly on the date. Mar 31 7:30 PM. 2021-03-31 PA FTC Remote Judging via the Remote Scoring System
Please let us know if you have any questions or need additional information or guidance. We will be talking real soon as we launch the Tournaments this month.
Stay safe and happy.
Tom Zawislak and Dave Hackett
Pennsylvania FIRST® Robotics
FIRST Tech Challenge® Program Delivery Partner
phone: (302) 383-9925
email: ftc@pennfirst.org
Website: www.FTCPenn.org