Philadelphia Meets – Final Meet

2013-2014 Season - Final Meet

Event Information


Saturday February 8, 2014
8:00 am - 5:00 pm


Central High School
1700 West Olney Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19141


View photos from this event.


7:00 AM Volunteers Arrive and Register
8:00 AM Teams Arrive and Register
Hardware and Software Inspection Begins
8:15 AM Judge Interviews Begin
10:15 AM Drivers Meeting On Competition Field
10:30 AM Opening Ceremonies
10:45 AM Qualification Matches Begin
12:30 PM Lunch Break
1:00 PM Qualification Matches Resume
2:15 PM Alliance Selection
2:30 PM Start Semifinals
3:30 PM Start Finals
4:30 PM Awards and Closing Ceremonies
5:00 PM Event Complete

Event Host

The event hosts are FTC Teams 5320 RoboLancers Gold and 6676 RoboLancers Crimson of Central High School, Philadelphia, PA.

Event Details

Philadelphia Meets

Philadelphia Schools will participate in a Robot Meet format again this year. Based on feedback from last year, the format has been altered slightly.

  • Meets 1-4 will be an after-school event and includes inspections plus up to five matches per team.
  • The Final Meet will be an all-day event and includes inspections, traditional judging, and at least six matches per team.

The Quality Points and Ranking Points from all matches will be averaged to determine the overall Competition rankings. Teams will advance to the Pennsylvania FTC Championship Tournament in the following order:

  • Inspire Award Winner
  • Competition rankings, 1st place
  • Inspire Award 2nd place
  • Competition rankings, 2nd place

Teams must compete in at least two meets of Meets 1-4 plus the Final Meet to be considered for advancement to the Pennsylvania FTC Championship Tournament.

Team Registration Information

Participating Teams

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Team # Team Name Organization Location
4884 PACTS Gundams The Franklin Institute Philadelphia, PA
5224 Deus Ex Machina Boys' Latin of Philadelphia Charter School Philadelphia, PA
5320 RoboLancers Gold Central High School Philadelphia, PA
5321 Tech Heroes G.W. Carver High School Philadelphia, PA
5323 Technobots Philadelphia High School For Girls Philadelphia, PA
5488 RoboDragons Freire Charter School Philadelphia, PA
5505 Roboneers Frankford High School Philadelphia, PA
5506 Robo Owls Edison High School Philadelphia, PA
5507 Brookbots Overbrook High School Philadelphia, PA
5514 PC Robotics Parkway Center City High School Philadelphia, PA
6540 RailSplitters Abraham Lincoln HS Philadelphia, PA
6552 Northeast High Robotics Northeast High School Philadelphia, PA
6606 Dobbins Robotics Murrell Dobbins CTE Philadelphia, PA
6676 RoboLancers Crimson Central High School Philadelphia, PA
6677 Boyz2bots Boys' Latin of Philadelphia Charter School Philadelphia, PA
7585 Artisinal Rocketeers Boeing/Science Leadership Academy Philadelphia, PA
7587 Rocketeers Boeing/Science Leadership Academy Philadelphia, PA
7883 Iron Patriots Penn Wood High School Lansdowne, PA
7960 FSS Falcons Friends Select Philadelphia, PA

Event Results

Competition Results

Top Placing Teams

  1. 5488 RoboDragons
  2. 5320 RoboLancers Gold
  3. 5321 Tech Heroes
RankingsMatch Details

Team Rankings

Team Rankings for the Qualification Matches

QP Quality Points; RP Ranking Points; TBP Tie Breaker Points; Highest / HS Highest Match Score

Rank Team # Team Name Ave/Match QP Ave/Match RP M1 QP M1 RP M1 # M2 QP M2 RP M2 # M3 QP M3 RP M3 # M4 QP M4 RP M4 # Final QP Final RP Final #
1 5488 RoboDragons 2.00 45.46 6 16 3 6 84 3 14 491 7
2 5320 RoboLancers Gold 1.60 48.93 8 176 4 8 113 4 8 445 7
3 5321 Tech Heroes 1.43 41.81 4 44 3 4 118 4 4 43 3 6 180 4 12 493 7
4 6606 Dobbins Force 1.29 32.00 6 67 4 6 33 3 6 348 7
5 6552 Northeast High Robotics 1.20 51.87 2 78 4 4 122 4 12 578 7
6 5507 Brookbots 1.20 34.33 6 53 4 4 150 4 8 312 7
7 4884 PACTS Gundams 1.20 28.60 6 69 4 4 91 4 8 269 7
8 6540 Rail Splitters 1.14 38.50 6 21 3 6 153 4 4 365 7
9 7960 FSS Falcons 1.14 27.19 0 44 3 6 77 4 4 33 3 4 167 4 10 250 7
10 5323 Technobots 0.93 40.47 2 116 4 4 99 4 8 392 7
11 5506 Robo Owls 0.88 49.81 0 11 3 2 41 2 6 162 4 6 583 7
12 5224 Deus Ex Machina 0.86 36.71 2 52 3 2 117 4 8 345 7
13 5505 Roboneers 0.77 34.85 2 16 3 2 27 3 6 410 7
14 7587 Rocketeers 0.76 29.43 2 21 3 2 104 4 4 60 3 2 172 4 6 261 7
15 6677 Boyz2bots 0.71 40.71 2 51 3 4 165 4 4 354 7
16 6676 RoboLancers Crimson 0.67 31.93 2 46 4 4 80 4 4 353 7
17 5514 PC Robotics 0.57 42.86 0 39 3 4 145 4 4 416 7
18 7585 Artisinal Rocketeers 0.45 26.36 4 11 3 0 103 4 0 64 4 4 98 4 2 304 7
5508 Robo Kings* 6 130 4 0 27 3 0 151 4
7883 Iron Patriots* 2 263 7
* = insufficient Meet attendance for advancement consideration

Judged Awards

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Outstanding Rookie Team

7960 FSS Falcons - Winner

Award Details

Judges' Award

6540 RailSplitters - Winner

Award Details

Motivate Award

5514 PC Robotics - Winner

Award Details

Connect Award

5488 RoboDragons - Winner

Award Details

Rockwell Collins Innovate Award

5320 RoboLancers Gold - Winner

Award Details

PTC Design Award

6676 RoboLancers Crimson - Winner

Award Details

Think Award

6552 Northeast High Robotics - Winner

Award Details

Inspire Award

5321 Tech Heroes - Winner

6552 Northeast High Robotics - 2nd Place

5488 RoboDragons - 3rd Place

Award Details


The teams in the table below advanced to the Pennsylvania FTC Championship at the time of this event.

The final list of teams advancing from this Final Meet is available on the Pennsylvania FTC Championship webpage. That final advancement list may be different than this initial advancement list due to changes in teams’ availability and eligibility. Advancements are awarded per FTC Game Manual 1 Order of Advancement.

Rank Team # Team Name Location Award
1 5321 Tech Heroes Philadelphia, PA Inspire Award Winner
2 5488 RoboDragons Philadelphia, PA Competition rankings, 1st place
3 6552 Northeast High Robotics Philadelphia, PA Inspire Award 2nd place
4 5320 RoboLancers Gold Philadelphia, PA Competition rankings, 2nd place
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