Drive It! Pittsburgh

2019-2020 Season - Team Powered Workshop

Event Information


Saturday November 9, 2019
10:00 am - 12:30 pm


South Fayette Township Library
515 Millers Run Rd
South Fayette, PA 15064


10:00 AM Teams Arrive and Check-in
10:15 AM Workshop Sessions Begins
12:30 PM Event Complete

Team Powered

This event is hosted and managed by FTC Team 12593 Yantrik.

Event Details

Workshop Series

Design It!, Build It!, Program It!, Drive It!, and Jump Start! are a series of teams-helping-teams workshops to help teams start or advance their robot design, build, and programming skills, as well as providing practice time on the field. Coaches, mentors, lead students, and volunteers will work directly with teams to help them prepare for their first scrimmage or Tournament. Jump Start! is a single workshop combining aspects of the above series tailored to the needs of the attending teams.

  • Design It! is focused on game strategy and robot design, with initial robot building.
  • Build It! continues the robot build process with help for initial programming.
  • Program It! is focused on programming in either Java/Android Studio, OnBot Java, or Blocks. Bring a laptop that either is or can be set up for one of the development environments.
  • Drive It! provides the opportunity to test and tweak your robot on a full competition field. Practice with and against other teams.
  • Jump Start! brings elements of Design It!, Build It!, and Program It! together tailored to the attending teams needs.

Share your expertise with other teams! Contact if you would like to present/lead/support a topic area at any these workshops. Non-robot/programming topic areas are also welcomed, including engineering notebook, judging, fund raising, outreach, etc.

What To Bring

These are hands on workshops. To get the most out of the workshops, please bring what you can of the following as appropriate for this workshop:

  • Engineering Notebook
  • Programming laptop / CAD laptop
  • FTC New Technology components: modules, cables
  • Driver station and robot controller phones, OTG USB cable, USB hub
  • DC Motors, Servos, cables and wires, slotted screw driver
  • Robot parts – Tetrix, Matrix, and other parts
  • Tools
  • Gamepads
  • Charged batteries and charger
  • Power strip
  • Safety glasses

Team Registration Information

Participating Teams

See a few tips for interacting with this map.

Team # Team Name Organization Location
11792 Botsburgh Science and Technology for Future Gen Pittsburgh, PA
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