Southwestern Pennsylvania Qualifier

2024-2025 Season - Qualifying Tournament

Event Information


Saturday February 22, 2025
7:45 am - 5:45 pm


Boyce Middle School
1500 Boyce Rd
Upper St. Clair, PA 15241


This event is scheduled to be livestreamed.


Registration is required.
Registration closes 2 weeks before the event date.
Register Now!


Lunch items available for purchase.

FTC Events Website

See this event's information and results as published at FIRST.


7:00 AM Volunteers Arrive and Check-in
7:45 AM Teams Arrive and Check-in
8:00 AM Robot and Field Inspection Begins
8:20 AM Judge Interviews Begin
10:15 AM Robot and Field Inspection Ends
10:30 AM Drivers Meeting On Competition Field
10:45 AM Queue First 2 Matches
11:00 AM Opening Ceremonies
11:15 AM Qualification Matches Begin
12:30 PM Lunch Break
1:00 PM Qualification Matches Resume
2:45 PM Qualification Matches End
3:00 PM Alliance Selection
3:30 PM Semifinals Begin
4:30 PM Finals Begin
5:15 PM Awards and Closing Ceremonies
5:45 PM Event Complete

Event Host

This event is hosted by the Upper St. Clair High School and FTC Team 11792 BotsBurgh.

Team Registration Information

Registered Teams

See a few tips for interacting with this map.

Count Team # Team Name Organization Location Attendees
1 4149 Terabytes Neighborhood Group Pittsburgh, PA 13
2 6549 Whoa!Bots Sewickley Academy Sewickley, PA 16
3 6640 SSA Boltcogs Shady Side Academy Pittsburgh, PA 8
4 9820 Girls of Steel Hypatia Carnegie Mellon University / Girls of Steel Robotics Pittsburgh, PA 20
5 9821 Girls of Steel Hopper Carnegie Mellon University / Girls of Steel Robotics Pittsburgh, PA 20
6 9981 Girls of Steel Lovelace Carnegie Mellon University / Girls of Steel Robotics Pittsburgh, PA 20
7 9982 Girls of Steel Juniors Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 14
8 11792 BotsBurgh Upper St Clair High School Pittsburgh, PA 19
9 13873 THE FLOCK Oakland Catholic High School Pittsburgh, PA 12
10 14382 Centre Punch Force 1 4H State College, PA 47
11 16354 Centre Punch H2O Family/Community Bellefonte, PA 44
12 18035 Reconnecting... Family/Community Chambersburg, PA 38
13 18429 Ellis Robotics Ellis School Pittsburgh, PA 14
14 19934 Mega Amps Mckeesport Area High School McKeesport, PA 29
15 20079 MARS: Ingenuity... Family/Community Mars, PA 30
16 20201 Centre Punch Ducks 4-H State College, PA 32
17 21357 ROGO Lotus Upper St Clair High School Pittsburgh, PA 26
18 22311 Centre Punch Factor 4-H State College, PA 38
19 22312 The Brobdingnagian Tritocephalic BrainSTEM Robotics Team Family/Community Baden, PA 12
20 23320 Rebels Robotics Seton-Lasalle Cath High School Pittsburgh, PA 31
21 23744 Mon Valley Mammoths Family/Community Monessen, PA 18
22 23872 The Hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian Tetartocephalic BrainSTEM Robotics Team Family/Community Baden, PA 12
23 24020 The Kiski School Kiski School Saltsburg, PA 10
24 24318 Centre Punch Soldiers 4-H State College, PA 32
25 25654 Raider Robotics Reloaded Seneca Valley Sr High School Harmony, PA 15
26 25661 Mon Valley Mini Mammoths Family/Community Monessen, PA 15
27 26446 ROGO Rose Upper Saint Clair HS Upper St Clair, PA 24
28 28391 Bro!Bots Sewickley Academy Sewickley, PA 12


Order Team # Team Name Organization Location Waitlist
1 18603 TeraBridges Upper St Clair High School Pittsburgh, PA P2 Waitlist
2 20223 USC Dynamics Upper St Clair High School Upper St. Clair, PA P2 Waitlist
3 16762 Raider Robotics Seneca Valley Sr High School Harmony, PA P2 Waitlist
4 16011 Fayette County 4H Fayette County 4-H Robotics Club Uniontown, PA P2 Waitlist
5 8509 STEEL Serpents Neighborhood Group Canonsburg, PA P2 Waitlist
6 23671 Salisbury Elk Lick FTC Salisbury Elk-Lick Jr Sr HS Salisbury, PA P2 Waitlist
7 21364 FIRST Try Family/Community York, PA P3 Waitlist
8 16776 MARS: Opportunity! Family/Community Mars, PA P3 Waitlist
9 12792 Sharon High Robotics Team Sharon Middle High School Sharon, PA P3 Waitlist
10 10098 2 Eyed Illuminati Unionville High School, Charles F Patton Middle School Chadds Ford, PA P3 Waitlist
11 8393 The Giant Diencephalic BrainSTEM Robotics Team Neighborhood Group Baden, PA P4 Waitlist
12 13474 MARS: Curiosity? Family/Community Mars, PA P4 Waitlist
13 26234 Logicool Christian School of York York, PA P4 Waitlist
14 28244 The Garage The Garage Youth Center Kennett Square, PA P4 Waitlist
15 22279 SLAM Shady Science Leadership Academy Philadelphia, PA P5 Waitlist
16 22280 Green Eggs and SLAM Science Leadership Academy Philadelphia, PA P5 Waitlist
17 22281 SLAM ZERO Science Leadership Academy Philadelphia, PA P5 Waitlist
18 22284 SLAM GERG Science Leadership Academy Philadelphia, PA P5 Waitlist
19 22285 SLAM Robotics 7 Science Leadership Academy Philadelphia, PA P5 Waitlist
20 6540 Railsplitters Abraham Lincoln High School Philadelphia, PA P5 Waitlist
21 27457 Phi-ters Family/Community Chalfont, PA P5 Waitlist
22 26566 Teletubbies Charles F Patton MS Kennett Square, PA P6 Waitlist
23 16269 Guthrie Geeks Guthrie Memorial Library, Family/Community Hanover, PA P6 Waitlist


Teams advance from this event to the Pennsylvania FTC Championship Tournament per FTC Game Manual 1 Order of Advancement.

Below is an estimate of the number of advancing teams from this event. The actual number of advancing teams will be determined at the event.

Rank Team # Team Name Location Award
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